We Build Our Life from the Little Things
Thirty years hence your child will be off in the world doing big important things. They will be living their lives depending on the wisdom and strength that they drew from their childhood with you. If that reality doesn’t hit you just a little bit, you’re built of sterner stuff than I am.
What we have set out to do is a big, daunting, scary thing. We have fewer than twenty years to turn a baby into an adult, and not just any adult but a capable, generous, honest, and kind adult. Yes, the project is intimidating, but it’s what we signed up for.
So, where to begin? Here. Now.
How do you teach a child not to rob a bank? Not by taking them there and lecturing them about it. You teach them to be honest by making them give back that second piece of candy that they weren’t supposed to take.
How do you teach them to be generous? Not by some grand gesture, but by helping them hand-make a birthday card or encouraging them to give one of their toys as a present.
How do you teach a child to be kind? Not by telling them to be kind, though that isn’t a bad idea. But by teaching them how and encouraging them to welcome the new kid and introduce themself. And to reinforce the lesson by doing the same thing yourself.
We build our lives from the little things.
Every act of kindness is a brick laid in the construction of what will someday be a lighthouse, acting as a beacon of goodness in the world. Your child’s integrity is a shield that protects them from every base impulse and suggestion; every act of honesty makes it stronger. Once strong enough, they can walk out into the world and never fall prey to others or themselves. All of the lessons that we teach, encourage, and demonstrate become the material that our children will build their lives from. Make sure they are good, little things.