Using a Family Credo to Develop a Shared Vocabulary
Good parenting comes from good lessons. Good lessons are built with conversations. And good conversations require a common vocabulary. One of the greatest tools you can bring to bear in the creation of a family vocabulary is the creation of, and regular use of a family credo. Creating a...
A Conversation On Resilience – Parenting With Lessons Rather Than Lectures
“Son, I don’t want to be one of those annoying parents who nitpick about how much her child is eating, but I feel I have to share with you my concerns. You are getting really skinny. And maybe it’s because you are going through a growth spurt, or maybe...
How a Broken Dinner Plate Can Be a Learning Opportunity for a Child
As parents, we all want to raise children who are independent, connected, and resilient. If you’ve been a parent for very long, you know this is easier said than done. The best way we’ve found to work toward this goal is by educating our children. It is not by...
Book Review: Resilience Parenting on Martial Journal
Thank you Alan Gates for the review of our book on Martial Journal! About Martial Journal is a collective of passionate martial artists from all backgrounds, styles and walks of life. We write because we enjoy sharing our knowledge and opinions and hope that you enjoy reading what...
The Three Pillars of Resilience Parenting on The Good Dad Project
We are thrilled to be able to share our recent chat with Larry Hagner about the three pillars of Resilience Parenting. Check out this exclusive Q&A! About the Dad Edge Podcast and The Good Dad Project The Good Dad Project is a movement. The Good Dad Project is a strong...