A Little Bit of Failure Goes a Long Way

Sometimes the most challenging part of talking about parenting is knowing where to start. It recalls the story about the older fish commenting on the water and the younger fish responding, “What is water?”

As parents, everything we do is part of the work of parenting–or perhaps more simply, everything we do affects our children.

Our morning routine, or lack thereof, affects our kids. Our schedule and choice of hobbies are part of their life experience. And when they sit down to dinner and share something, how we choose to respond is part of shaping the adult they will become.

No pressure!

As guests on the BE A FORCE Podcast with Melissa Lopez, we tried to break down some of this monumental task into manageable pieces. In particular, we discussed the components of resilience, how to teach our children that challenges are good (and sometimes even fun!), and why it’s important not to protect them from failure all the time.

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